Dev C++ Square Root Function

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C program to find Square Root of a Number For calculate Square Root of a number we multiply number by 0.5 because square root of any number means power of 1/2 and 1/2=0.5. And one another method for this program is use sqrt function it is pre-defined in math.h header file. Jul 04, 2016  In this Example we will learn how to find the square root of a given number using to find the square root of a given number using std::sqrt function Free Programming Tutorials and Lessons By ProgrammingKnowledge. Nov 25, 2012  Square root in 3 seconds - math trick - Duration: 9:46. Tecmath Recommended for you. C Math sqrt This function finds the square root of a given number. Consider a argument 'arg'. Jan 26, 2020  Square root in C – sqrt function. C provides us an inbuilt library function to calculate the square root of any non-negative number. If we pass a negative number as a parameter, then it will result in a domain error. Sqrt function is defined in header file. So, we need to include it in our program. Advantage of using this function is that when working with integers of the order 10 18, calculating its square root with sqrt function may give an incorrect answer due to precision errors as default functions in programming language works with floats/doubles. But this will always give an accurate answer.

C++Server Side ProgrammingProgramming

Nov 21, 2017 In this video how to calculate square root without using math.h header file and sqrt function is demonstrated in c programming by sanjay gupta. This video is helpful for school or college.

Mathematical calculations can be done in C++ programming language using the mathematical functions which are included in math or cmath library. These mathematical functions are defined to do complex mathematical calculations. Let’s learn each of them one by one −


The sin method is used to calculate the sin of the angle given as an argument in degrees. This function accepts one double integer as an argument and returns a double integer which is the value of sin(x°).

double sin(double)

Calling syntax




The cosin or cos method is used to calculate the cos of the angle given as an argument in degrees. This function accepts one double integer as an argument and returns a double integer which is the value of cos(x°).

double cos(double)

Calling syntax




The tangent or tan method is used to calculate the tan of the angle given as an argument in degrees. This function accepts one double integer as an argument and returns a double integer which is the value of tan(xo) = sin(x°)∕cos(x°).

double tan(double)

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Calling syntax



Dev c++ square root function pdf


The asin function is used to find the arc sine of the given argument. It returns the asin value for the given input set which can be any double integer within the range -1 to 1 otherwise it would give an error. The function accepts double integer between -1 and 1 and returns a double value as a result of asin().

double asin(double)

Calling syntax




The acos function is used to find the arc cosine of the given argument. It returns the acos value for the given input set which can be any double integer within the range -1 to 1 otherwise it would give an error. The function accepts double integer between -1 and 1 and returns a double value as a result of acos().

double acos(double)

Calling syntax




The atan function is used to calculate the value of arc tangent of the given argument. It returns a double value of atan for the double input value in the parameter.

double atan(double)

Calling syntax




The cosh function is used to calculate the value of hyperbolic cosine of the given argument. It returns a double value of cosh for the double input value in the parameter.

double cosh(double)

Calling syntax




The sinh function is used to calculate the value of hyperbolic sin of the given argument. It returns a double value of sinh for the double input value in the parameter.

double sinh(double)

Calling syntax




The tanh function is used to calculate the value of hyperbolic tangent of the given argument. It returns a double value of sinh for the double input value in the parameter.

double tanh(double)

Calling syntax




The pow function is used to calculate the power of the base raised to the power of exponent. It accepts two double values as arguments which are the base and exponents numbers and it returns a single double integer which is base to the power of exponent.

double pow( double, double)

Calling syntax



Sqrt ( square root)

sqrt function in C++ returns the square root of the double integer inside the parameter list. The method accept a double integer value as input find square root and returns a double integer as output.

double sqrt( double)

Calling syntax


Dev C++ Square Root Function Example



The lock function is used to find the natural log of the given number. this method accepts single double integer value finds logarithmic value and returns a double integer result of log().

double log( double)

Calling Syntax



Dev C++ Square Root Functions


The floor function is used to return the floor value of the given double integer. floor value means rounded down value. the function accepts a double value as input and Returns double integer value calculated using floor().

double floor( double)

Calling Syntax




The ceil function is used to return the ceil value of the given double integer. ceil value means rounded up value. the function accepts a double value as input and Returns double integer value calculated using ceil().

double ceil( double)

Calling Syntax




Dev C++ Square Root Function Calculator

The abs function returns the absolute value of the integer value. The function accepts an integer value and returns an integer value that has the same magnitude but positive sign.

double abs( double)

Calling Syntax

