How To Redirect Output To Dev Null In C

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I have an application that logs a lot of noise to stderr and REALLY slows down the execution of the application. I would like to redirect that output to null. Is this possible with cmd.exe? /path/to/program arg1 arg2 /dev/null 2 /dev/null The syntax 2&1 means 'Send output currently going to file descriptor 2 to the same place that output going to file descriptor 1 is going to'. is omitting the default of FD1, so it is semantically the same as 1, which might make 2 make more sense. All data written on a /dev/null or /dev/zero special file is discarded by the system. Use /dev/null to send any unwanted output from program/command and syntax is: command /dev/null. This syntax redirects the command standard output messages to /dev/null where it is ignored by the shell. OR command 2/dev/null. The start command will start a detached process, a similar effect to &. The /B option prevents start from opening a new terminal window if the program you are running is a console application. And NUL is Windows' equivalent of /dev/null. The 2&1 at the end will redirect stderr to stdout, which will all go to NUL. I have a command I am running produces a ton of output, I want to silence the output without writing to a file. I have used the following to send all output to a file, but again I don't want any file output: command out.txt 2&1 I have used command /dev/null on my CentOS box before, but I can't find a similar thing for windows.

I‘m a new Linux system user. How can I redirect command error output /dev/null on a Linux or Unix-like system using Bash shell?
Your shell comes with three file descriptors as follows:
  1. stdin – 0 – Standard Input (usually keyboard or file)
  2. stdout – 1 – Standard Output (usually screen)
  3. stderr – 2 – Standard Error (usually screen)


What is a null (/dev/null) file in a Linux or Unix-like systems?

/dev/null is nothing but a special file that discards all data written to it. The length of the null device is always zero. In this example, first, send output of date command to the screen and later to the /dev/null i.e. discards date command output:

Syntax: Standard Error (stderr -2 no) to a file or /dev/null

How To Redirect Output To Dev Null In C Pdf

The syntax is as follows:

In this example, send output of find command to /dev/null:
$ find /etc -type f -name '*' 2>/dev/null
The following example will cause the stderr ouput of a program to be written to a file called errors.txt:
$ find /etc/ -type f -name '*' 2> errors.txt

Linux and Unix redirect all output and error to file


The syntax is:

If you want both stderr and stdout in same file, try:

Use cat command to display log.txt on screen:
cat log.txt

See man pages for more information – ksh(1).


How To Redirect Output To Dev Null In C Pdf

How do I redirect output and errors to /dev/null under bash / sh shell scripting? How do I redirect the output of stderr to stdout, and then redirect this combined output to /dev/null device? In Unix, how do I redirect error messages to /dev/null?

How To Redirect Output To Dev Null In C File

You can send output to /dev/null, by using

How To Redirect Output To Dev Null In C R

command >/dev/null syntax. However, this will not work when command will use the standard error (FD # 2). [donotprint][/donotprint]So you need to modify >/dev/null as follows to redirect both output and errors to /dev/null.

Syntax to redirect error and output messages to /dev/null

The syntax discussed below works with Bourne-like shells, such as sh, ksh, and bash:

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You can also use the same syntax for all your cronjobs to avoid emails and output / error messages:
@hourly /scripts/backup/nas.backup >/dev/null 2>&1
@hourly /scripts/backup/nas.backup &>/dev/null

Redirect both standard error and standard out messages to a log file

How To Redirect Output To Dev Null In C 2

You can always redirect both standard error (stdin) and standard out (stdout) text to an output file or a log file by typing the following command:

Want to close stdout and stderr for the command being executed on a Linux/Unix/BSD/OSX bash shell?

Try the following syntax:

How to redirect output to dev null in c format

See man pages: ksh(1)