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Module-definition (.def) files provide the linker with information about exports, attributes, and other information about the program to be linked. A .def file is most useful when building a DLL. Because there are MSVC Linker Options that can be used instead of module-definition statements, .def files are generally not necessary. You can also use __declspec(dllexport) as a way to specify exported functions.

You can invoke a .def file during the linker phase with the /DEF (Specify Module-Definition File) linker option.

If you are building an .exe file that has no exports, using a .def file will make your output file larger and slower loading.

For an example, see Exporting from a DLL Using DEF Files.

See the following sections for more information:

See also

C/C++ Building Reference
MSVC Linker Options


Keywords are predefined reserved identifiers that have special meanings. They cannot be used as identifiers in your program. The following keywords are reserved for Microsoft C++. Names with leading underscores, and names followed by (C++/CLI) are Microsoft extensions.

__abstract2__alignof Operator4__asm4__assume4
dynamic_castelseenumenum class
enum structevent(C++/CLI)explicitextern
for each infriendfriend_asgcnew(C++/CLI)
inlineintinterface class(C++/CLI)interface struct(C++/CLI)
ref classref structregisterreinterpret_cast
using declarationusing directiveuuid1value class(C++/CLI)
value struct(C++/CLI)virtualvoidvolatile

1 Extended attributes for the __declspec keyword.

2 Applicable to Managed Extensions for C++ only. This syntax is now deprecated. See Component Extensions for Runtime Platforms for more information.

3 Intrinsic function used in event handling.

4 For backward compatibility with previous versions, these keywords are available both with two leading underscores and a single leading underscore when Microsoft extensions are enabled (the default).

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Microsoft Specific

In Microsoft C++, identifiers with two leading underscores are reserved for compiler implementations. Therefore, the Microsoft convention is to precede Microsoft-specific keywords with double underscores. These words cannot be used as identifier names.

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Microsoft extensions are enabled by default. To ensure that your programs are fully portable, you can disable Microsoft extensions by specifying the /Za (Disable language extensions) option during compilation. When you do this, some Microsoft-specific keywords are disabled.

When Microsoft extensions are enabled, you can use the Microsoft-specific keywords in your programs. For ANSI compliance, these keywords are prefaced by a double underscore. For backward compatibility, single-underscore versions of many of the double-underscored keywords are supported. In addition, __cdecl is available with no leading underscore.

Modul Dev C Pdf Df Manual

The __asm keyword replaces C++ asm syntax. asm is reserved for compatibility with other C++ implementations, but not implemented. Use __asm.

The __based keyword has limited uses for 32-bit and 64-bit target compilations.

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END Microsoft Specific

Modul Dev C++ Pdf Download

See also

Dev C++ For Windows 10

Lexical Conventions
C++ Built-in Operators, Precedence and Associativity